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Regenerate River Avon

A river-based campaign and movement, rooted in the regeneration of place and restoration of waters, lands and people in the Avon valley. 

A collaboration of diverse groups and communities in the Avon valley saying a firm NO to river and land pollution and an active YES to the regeneration of our bioregion. 

This campaign brings together the people of place in a new story, not as disempowered consumers of victims, but instead as empowered regenerators, custodians and citizens of a landscape. 


This sub-project under the We Are Avon umbrella shares the same vision, starting with the River and our relationship to place:

“A resilient and Thriving future for the Avon valley coming back to life. The regeneration of her lands, waters and communities.”

What's at stake?

•River Avon is one of the most polluted in the country


•We have disrupted its flow severely and altered its natural course at the detriment of its many ecosystems and communities.


• tonnes of sewage dumped into Avon each year ; 63 recorded dumps at ‘The Shallows’ land site in 2023 alone


•tonnes of fertiliser and chemical run off entering the Avon(research ongoing, totals tbc soon!)


•Lack of community access to the river, large sections of the river cut off from basic human right: access to water and nature 


•Fish stocks depleted and biodiversity in crisis 


•Microplastics contamination across whole valley and in every sample of river sections


•Water resilience in an uncertain future 


•Mental health crisis, social disconnection, dearth of community 


•Climate & Ecological emergency; the need to bring this to action in place, now.


•The need for a UK wide ‘Rivers Regeneration’ movement 

Weekend Market
A (draft) River Charter for Avon 

With thanks to the River Dart bioregion group for the inspiration. The charter will evolve as the campaign develops and specifies its aims - get in touch and join in! 

We the people who live, work and play here, name ourselves as stewards of the water in our catchment ecosystems. We therefore uphold the rights and responsibilities of the River Avon from source to mouth:

• To be alive and to thrive so that it can give life and enjoyment to all.

• To be clean and unpolluted so that it can enable biodiversity to flourish.

• To flow freely from source to sea so that it can be a vital part of a healthy ecosystem.

In this place of Avon we especially value and name as our shared assets:

• The river’s role as a wildlife corridor for otters, birds and fish.

• Healthy water in sufficient quantity and designated safe swimming and bathing rights along the river.

• Trees along the banks and riparian zones
• A cherished river that enhances our mental and physical wellbeing, provides tranquility, beauty and memories – now and for future generations.

• Respectful, agreed access along this sacred length of the river, from source to mouth, where we enjoy the water, both in, on and beside it.

What we can do 

Our mission is to protect and regenerate the waters and lands surrounding the Avon river. We will work across the bioregion to restore the quality of water to “healthy” levels, establish a river charter and regenerate the lands in this valley. 

This mission calls us all to stand up collectively to the injustices to the river and to walk together in the active hope for its future health and vitality, on which we all depend.

Some of the campaign aims so far: 

1. Establish a River Charter for the Avon 

2.Plant over 12,000 trees in riparian zones and floodplain 


3. Create a series of short films (and podcasts) on the stories of the Avon, the current predicament and its regeneration and launch an awareness campaign around this. 

4.Engage diverse communities and stakeholders (e.g. boaters, fisherpeople, wild swimmers, walkers) to collaborate for healthy rivers for all 

5.Establish rights of access along the river Avon, apply for these and use creative actions such as campouts and litter picks to secure access. 


6.Support farms and local food systems to enhance river friendly farming and transition away from harmful practices with adequate support.

7.Achieve bathing rights along the river Avon 

8.Measure and record river health data through citizens science 

9.Improve the quality of water from its current ‘Poor’ to ”Good’ in the next decade 

10.Increase fish stocks and support the Bristol Avon River Trust fish and biodiversity plans 

11.Link together a range of partners in the bioregion to take effective river action. e.g. WECA, B&NES, fishing associations, marinas, boaters. 

12.Take direct action against pollution companies, speak truth to power, take legal action against unlawful polluting.

13.Secure more rights for the Avon in local, regional and national policy and decision making 

14.Create social media and online presence and platform for the river avon – give her a voice and spread awareness particularly to young people. 

15. Organise events to celebrate and respect the river Avon, such as walking pilgrimages, songs for the Avon singing group, wild swimming gatherings and collaborate with Rave on for Avon events. 

Making it Happen 

We have identified some core action pathways based on community and river needs, which will evolve as the project gains more input and learning.  

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As a community organisation we rely on support to get this project off the ground. We are seeking funding to achieve the above aims, organise river action events, campaigns and the regenerative activities needed. We welcome all donations to save the Avon! 

Support Our Cause
Leave a one-time donation

Thank you for helping us make a difference! We will be in touch with next steps.

Get involved!

Join our monthly meet-ups at Electric Bear Taproom, first Thursday of every month from 8pm, by the river Avon in Newbridge, Bath.

Email if you want to join or support in any way - all are very welcome! 


Join our Launch event and a Land & River festival 21st September from 2pm-10pm at Electric Bear Taproom.

Keep an eye out for future actions, river walks, litter picks, swims and more on @We Are Avon instagram (page only recently set up and seeking volunteers to help manage it!)

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